Fi Africa and ProPak MENA Exhibitions Close Their Doors Today!

Don’t miss the grand finale of the 12th edition of Fi Africa and ProPak MENA today at the Egypt International Exhibition Center! This is your ultimate one-stop platform for all things food and beverage manufacturing and packaging in Africa.

During the exhibitions, the Africa-Arab roundtable was co-hosted by the LibanPack and the UNIDO as well as the first Arab packaging competition – the Arab StarPack. Other significant events are taking place such as a gelato training and the Women Networking Annual Event.

🌍 Mission? To open new markets, elevate local products to compete on the global stage with superior quality and lower costs, tackle food waste, boost food security, and protect our environment.

🎤 Inaugurated by the Minister of Supply and Internal Trade, Dr. Aly El-Moselhy, and under the auspices of Prime Minister Dr. Moustafa Madbouly, the Ministry of Environment, and the Ministry of Trade and Industry.