How to lose weight in Ramadan?

Due to the prolonged quarantine and lockdown periods, weight gain became a universal problem that most people are struggling with. Fasting can be a great opportunity for many people to slim down and regain their favourite shape without crash diets. Losing weight in Ramadan is not an arduous task if you follow the required guidelines that nutritionists propose for overweight people. In this article, you will get a detailed idea about all the recommendations that experts give and the habits that you need to break to get rid of obesity. Moreover, we will provide you with a reliable plan that you can follow to notably lose weight in the first ten days of Ramadan.

Why do Most People Gain Weight in Ramadan?

Eating lots of fried foods, which contain a lot of calories.

Eating continuously between Iftar and Suhoor, which is sometimes accompanied by a feeling of fatigue and laziness.

Excessive consumption of fats.

Excessive drinking of juices that contain large amounts of sugars.

Eating large amounts of Ramadan sweets such as Katayef and Kunafa, which contain an abundance of calories and sugars.

Forgetting to drink large quantities of water between Iftar and Suhoor. 

Lack of activity and movement after eating Iftar.

Excessive consumption of soft drinks during or after meals.

Replacing fruits with high-calorie sweets

Eating foods rich in sugars and fatty foods on Suhoor and sleeping immediately. 

Tips to Lose Weight in Ramadan

Water increases the rate of metabolism, burns calories, and promotes the feeling of satiety. That is why the secret to losing weight during Ramadan is to keep your body hydrated. Drinking enough fluids will keep your body hydrated during the fasting hours and will minimize your need for sugars after Iftar. Nutritionists recommend drinking about 8 cups of water a day as follows: 2 during Iftar, 4 between Iftar and suhoor, and 2 during suhoor. It should be noted that caffeine drinks are not counted in the total number of glasses of water that must be consumed. It is also preferable to replace caffeine with herbal tea, which aids digestion.

Nutritionists recommend starting Iftar with dates as eating one date is enough to supply you with the sugar you need. You can then eat a small plate of soup that contains vegetables or lentils, and it is recommended to stay away from soups that contain creams. You can also eat a plate of salad with some olive oil. Afterwards, you can take a break, either by taking a short walk or praying before completing your meal, which should not contain a lot of fried foods. You should also try to maintain a balance between carbohydrates and protein in small quantities. Although fasting during Ramadan helps obese people to lose weight, failing to control their food consumption in the evening between Iftar and Suhoor is one of the most reasons why a myriad of people gain weight during Ramadan. 

Some people think that avoiding the Suhoor meal will help them lose weight, yet according to nutritionists, skipping Suhoor will make you feel hungry and insatiable when you eat your Iftar the next day, which will contribute to an excess of food consumption during Iftar. However, your Suhoor should be a light and healthy meal. Moreover, make sure your Suhoor does not contain a lot of salt so that you do not feel thirsty the next day. Try replacing white-flour bread with wholegrain bread. Suhoor should also contain protein, such as cheese or eggs, for example. Such foods will ensure that your blood glucose level is balanced and will help you lose weight during the month. Try to leave ample time between Suhoor and sleep. Since the metabolism rate is very low during sleep, the food that you eat before sleeping will not be digested easily and will increase your weight excessively. Therefore, do not sleep right after eating your Suhoor.

Try to promote your workout performance during Ramadan and challenge yourself to do lots of exercises without exposing yourself to the sun for long periods. Remember that the more you exercise, the faster you will digest food and the faster you will lose weight. It is recommended that you exercise after finishing Iftar by 30 minutes. 

Eating healthy meals does not mean that it is okay to eat large amounts of them. To exemplify, grilled chicken is an appropriate meal for those who want to lose weight. However, it can increase your weight if eaten to an excess. Therefore, the amount of food that you should consume daily must be determined based on the number of calories that your body needs, which differs from person to person. That is why it is recommended that you consult a nutritionist to make sure that you are on the right track. 

The 10-Day Belly Slimdown

Here you can find a reliable plan that can help you get rid of your belly in the first ten days of Ramadan.

Day 1:

Iftar: a grilled chicken breast + salad that includes red pepper + green beans with olive oil.

Suhoor: An omelette consisting of 3 egg whites mixed with 75 grams of pickled pepper and a handful of spinach + steamed broccoli.

Day 2:

Iftar: baked fish fillet + salad mixed with half a tablespoon of olive oil + 75 grams of steamed broccoli.

Suhoor: 200 grams of turkey or chicken breasts mixed with green peppers + 75 grams of steamed green beans.

Day 3:

Iftar: a grilled steak or two small pieces + steamed broccoli and spinach + 100 grams of turkey or chicken slices with avocado.

Suhoor: a grilled chicken breast + a plate of salad mixed with half a tablespoon of olive oil.

Day 4:

Iftar: baked fish fillet + salad with tomatoes, spinach and olive oil + cucumber cut into small slices + grilled zucchini.

Suhoor: Omelette (either a whole egg or two egg whites) + tomatoes and green beans + half a spoonful of green tea.

Day 5:

Iftar: 150 grams of grilled shrimp + green salad and tomatoes mixed with half a tablespoon of olive oil + 5 grains of almonds.

Suhoor: 2 boiled eggs mixed with sliced red pepper + steamed broccoli + avocado + cucumber.

Day 6:

Iftar: 200 grams of turkey + green salad + steamed broccoli and half a tablespoon of olive oil + 5 pecans.

Suhoor: 100 grams of grilled chicken pieces + one tomato + 200 grams of green beans and cauliflower.

Day 7:

Iftar: grilled duck breast without skin + freshly cooked mix of vegetables fully steamed + broccoli.

Suhoor: 3-egg omelette (egg whites only) + steamed grilled tomatoes with spinach + 5 Brazil nuts.

Day 8:

 Iftar: baked fish fillet + a plate of salad mixed with half a tablespoon of olive oil + 75 grams of steamed broccoli.

Suhoor: 200 grams of turkey or chicken breasts mixed with green peppers + 75 grams of steamed green beans.

Day 9:

Iftar: a grilled steak + steamed broccoli and spinach + 100 grams of chicken slices with avocado.

Suhoor: a grilled chicken breast + salad mixed with half a tablespoon of olive oil.

Day 10:

Iftar: 150 grams of grilled shrimps + green salad with tomatoes mixed with half a tablespoon of olive oil + 5 grains of almonds.

Suhoor: 2 boiled eggs mixed with sliced red pepper + steamed broccoli + avocado + cucumber.