No Time for a Workout?

Sometimes it can feel like you have a never ending to-do list as a busy mum. You’ve got your kids to take care of, a household to look after, and somewhere in there you need to prioritise looking after yourself. Maybe you’re also a working mum. It’s likely that you’ll never tick off everything that you want to do, but it’s a good idea to put an action plan in place to ensure the most important things get done. Hopefully, you’ve decided that your health and fitness rates pretty highly in terms of your priorities. And if that’s the case, we’re here to help you out. If you’re a busy mum, these tips will help stay healthy and make time to focus on fitness and staying in a good shape.

Exercise at Home

You may not have time for going to the gym or have little ones around the house to contend with so consider doing it at home. Exercising at home is your saviour. Have a room or a part in the house dedicated to being able to move freely and dance, do yoga, spin, jump, pump whatever it is that takes your fancy at that moment. You can stream free YouTube fitness videos through your devices with whatever form of movement that takes your fancy. Or you can even download a fitness app on your phone.

Be Mindful When You Eat

Scoffing down breakfast and lunch and not taking the time to eat mindfully can lead to overeating, digestive problems, poor food choices and not honouring your hunger. Always try to be seated whilst eating and indulge yourself in the senses of eating mindfully.  The textures, smell, taste – be in the moment and really give yourself time to tap into what your body is really asking to be nourished with. Remember it takes 20 minutes for the gut/brain connection to happen and register that you’re full so eat slowly and allow for this time.

Grab Any Opportunity and Run with It!

All you need is 30 minutes to duck out the door and fit in some movement. As soon as your husband walks in the door or perhaps you just need to set your alarm 30 minutes earlier.  Just get it done. Too much thinking is your worst enemy.  An opportunity missed is an opportunity gone!

Social Exercise

If you’re really looking to commit to an exercise plan then team up with a friend or group to go walking or jogging at regular intervals. That way you’re also enjoying some hard-earned social time while getting some exercise in. If you can schedule a regular date and have the support of friends, it also ensures you stick to your goals. If your friends aren’t that way inclined there are running and walking groups available in many areas. Friends and family keep us accountable so tap into this useful resource.

Eat Well

Everyone has heard the old mantra that the secret to maintaining weight is 20% exercise and 80% diet. We actually think this is very true. If you’re looking to reduce your total body fat mass, then the first place you should start is your diet and nutrition. Of course, you might not have time as a busy mum to prepare all your own healthy meals. If this is the case, there are a number of healthy meals subscription services that will provide you with balanced meals for every day of the week in an economical way!

Keep It Fun

Maintaining fitness need not be an arduous task. Make some enquiries amongst friends about local dance, pilates, swimming groups for just one session a week. Consider the movement you really enjoy, be it samba, yoga or pole dancing, and you’ll soon find yourself looking forward to exercising.

Realistic Exercise

Be realistic about how much time you are likely to set aside each week to specifically concentrate on exercise. One of the most likely ways to fall off the fitness rails is by setting expectations too high and then resorting to doing nothing because you didn’t meet your own high expectations. Remember, doing something is better than doing nothing. The keyword is CONSISTENCY. If you steadily plug away at keeping fit using your available opportunities, you are more likely to see the benefits over time and will be able to sustain a fitness regime.