Ramadan at Work

HR Guide on How to Support Employees during Ramadan


amadan is the month of charity, love, and fellowship; however, it is also the month of  fatigue and dehydration. As an HR or an employer, you need to bear in mind that your  employees need to receive ample support during their fasting hours. That is why we dedicated this article to business owners and HRs who wish to help their employees promote their performance and enjoy their working hours during Ramadan.

The most important advice for HRs is, simply, to be kind: Always remember that by the end of the day, when employees have not had food or water since dawn, their concentration and productivity must decrease to very low levels. Try to avoid criticism and, instead, express your understanding of the exceptional situation before stating your negative comments.

Consider the option of allowing your employees to leave early and make up for the lost hours remotely after Iftar. Moreover, it is recommended that you start always with difficult tasks or meetings at the beginning of the day when the concentration level is at its peak. Consider also providing your employees with a time to pray and a space for prayer.

Give your employees an air of festivity to make them feel that although they are working, they are not missing the spirit of Ramadan. For example, you can put a bulletin board on your office wall or a factsheet about Ramadan’s blessings, meaning, and the spiritual growth it represents. Write some encouraging sentences that instil closeness to God, love of fellowmen, and generosity. Give your employees a heartfelt welcome with some vibrant Ramadan banners. 

Decorate your company with some lanterns to lighten up the place with the light of love and happiness. You can also use illuminating candles to brighten up your office and add more flavour to the atmosphere. Festive decorations work miracles in creating relaxing vibes that will influence your employees’ actions and thoughts and help them improve their productivity. So, discuss with your team the idea of decking up the office and creating a lovely Ramadan ambience.

Gift-giving is an essential tradition in Ramadan. If you want to communicate your love and appreciation for your employees and make them feel at home, think about some Ramadan gifts that can make them happy. There are many corporate gifts that you can distribute, such as illuminating candles, dry fruits, and dates boxes. Dates and dry fruits are the most relished treats in Ramadan. They are also a great source of sugar, fibre, potassium, magnesium, and carbohydrates. A box of chocolate hampers is also one of the most admired presents for all occasions. So, consider giving your employees some vibrant boxes of yummy treats. 

Another gift that you can opt for is personalized mugs, which can be a smart way to make this Ramadan special for every employee with a colourful mug carrying his/her name. You can also furnish your employees with some traditional Ramadan gifts, such as Islamic artwork carrying some Islamic phrases or mantras, such as ‘Ma Sha’ Allah’ or some verses from the Qur’an. You can use artwork as a lovely gesture and reminder to your employees to stay close to God and feel His blessings throughout the working day.

Be accommodating of annual leave requests that your employees may be willing to take at Ramadan’s end to celebrate the feast with their families and friends. Try to give some exceptions for new employees who don’t have the opportunity or eligibility for taking annuals. Such kind gestures will make a substantial difference.